Our Policy is to produce Quality products. The products which can meet the specification requirement for this, therefore user is our policy decider. Our quality policy is to satisfy the user to the maximum extend with the quality products.

"Quality is our strength ”. Our quality policy therefore strengthens us to serve Nation with the quality products . Our quality policy includes the in-corporation of suggestion from any corner, be it our even non skilled workers and be it even the agency who lays down the specifications. Our quality policy is to adhere the user and justify his requirement by giving the product meeting all the specifications and requirements. Our quality policy therefore can be compared with the saying, “ Work is Worship" and "Where there is a will , there is a way". These all make customers and user, equivalent to God and when we serve our customers, we think that we are serving for none other than God.

Quality is our objective and we work for it through our dedicated management and determined workers.